Praestabilis – Excellence in Marketing – 065

Welcome to Episode 65 of Praestabilis: Excellence in Marketing


In episode 65 the question is…  What skills do I need to become a successful entrepreneur?” I’ve been online since 2006 and during that time I’ve determined that some skills are necessary, and others can be outsourced.

The four things I do almost every day include:

  1. Writing – email messages, blog posts, books, social media updates, and more.
  2. Creating – products, courses, short reports, marketing campaigns, and more.
  3. Marketing – this is the basis for all sales, so I think of it as the most important skill for your business. Learn to love marketing, and your income will skyrocket!
  4. Mentoring/Learning – I’ve always considered myself to be a mentor and never related to coaching. The word mentor means teacher and this describes my approach to mentoring online. Also, I spend time learning what I need to as a part of my business. The idea here is to outsource what you can to others, and not spend precious time with learning everything in that area.

There are also skills like technology, clerical tasks, information product creation, and teaching that you must decide how to approach to achieve your goals, online or offline. I will also add the softer skills here, such as consistency, perseverance, focus, and maintaining a positive attitude.

What’s working for you right now? What do you wish to change? Create and live your true, authentic self with everything you say and do. You are worth it!

Check out my most recent articles and essays at Monday Morning Mellow.

Reinventing myself is a concept and process I know something about. Most recently, I have reinvented myself through intermittent fasting. I’m even writing a book on this topic and the working title is The Pursuit of Healthy-ness: How I Reinvented Myself with Intermittent Fasting. This book is scheduled for release during the fall of 2021.

By my willingness to reinvent myself I’ve been able to change my life significantly through the decades. I’ve written a post about this called Reinventing Myself… Version 5. We’re always moving forward when we surrender and reinvent.

What are you doing right now in your life and your business that is working? Where do you need to make some changes? How may I best serve you as you surrender to doing what it takes? As humans, we are capable of reinventing ourselves as we change and grow.

See all of my published titles at Connie Ragen Green Books and connect with me on Twitter to see what else I’m doing, personally and professionally.

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I began back in 2006 with affiliate marketing. I did not have a list, and used my blog and my articles to get my name and message out to the world. I still earn an excellent income with affiliate marketing and it accounts for just over 40% of my income. You may become my affiliate at Affiliate Links and Tools.

Soon, I added local business marketing to what I had to offer. Initially, I was helping a family member who’d started a new business. After my results improved and I was able to help make his office phone ring, I began offering marketing help for small, local businesses in my community.

Other business models to consider are digital information products, coaching and consulting, niche sites and authorship. I would encourage you to pursue your interests and goals as you choose a business model that suits your lifestyle.

Please connect with me on Twitter and let me know what you are working on so I may share it with my vast and growing audience.

“One day you will tell your story of how you overcame what you went through and it will be someone else’s survival guide.” ~ Brene Brown

Check out my most recent membership site, set up as a free and ongoing eCourse at Read this article I published on “5 Profitable Membership Models” at Also, please visit my main site at and connect with me on Twitter at

I have a new book with Ellen Finkelstein entitled Speakers! The Quick Public Speaking to Business Method: Turning Your Talk into an Ongoing Revenue Stream. Whether you are brand new to speaking or are a seasoned public speaker, this book will make a difference for you.

The first book I co-authored with Ellen is Authors! The Quick Book to Business Method: Turning Your Book into an Ongoing Revenue Stream and in it we teach and explain how you can write a book that will represent you well and create multiple streams of income for you, as it continues to do for us and many others.

I have just completed another new book titled Booster Rocket Launches: Helping Your Prospects to Find You Everywhere. I’m using my ongoing authorship as an example of why baby steps will never take you where you’d like to go in your life and business. This one you will definitely want to have in paperback, and that will be obvious when you have it in your hands and discover how powerful what I’m sharing will be to your business.

I would love to know your thoughts on these concepts. Please visit my main sites at Connie Ragen Green and Huge Profits Tiny List. Connect with me on Twitter for the latest updates and announcements.

Get started with your own eBook empire by learning how to write an eBook from the person who continues to guide me along this lucrative journey. Take a look at How to Write and Publish Your Own eBook…in as Little as 7 Days from expert and author Jim Edwards.

Thank you for this opportunity to serve you as I share my beliefs, perceptions, and experiences as an author, online entrepreneur, and marketing strategist with you. Marketing has become the joy of my life as I continue to learn, grow, and share concepts with others.

I’m bestselling author, marketing strategist, and online entrepreneur Connie Ragen Green and I would love to connect further with you to help you to achieve your goals. If you are interested in learning how to optimize the syndication of your content, please take a look at my popular Syndication Optimization training course and consider coming aboard to increase your visibility, credibility, and profitability.